Ottenere di più dai dati con le estensioni di Oasis montaj
Trasformare i dati di geofisica, geologia, GIS e geochimica in un unico ambiente.
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Migliorare la potenza di elaborazione di Oasis montaj
Riunite tutte le vostre intuizioni in Oasis montaj con estensioni specializzate per dati magnetici e gravitazionali, resistività, geologici, radiometrici e geochimici.
Ensure high quality data
Automatic and manual quality control tools identify problematic data and correct it. Always know that all data is properly geo-located regardless of its coordinate system.
Translate data into value
Create and share interactive 2D and 3D visualisations that make data meaningful. Work with data outside of your domain with guided operations and user-friendly workflows.
Free your time
Digitise and import data from any source, position it, and integrate it into your project instantly.
Define filters, modify parameters, and apply any number of filters together in one single operation. Overlay complementary data to build your interpretation and run rapid geophysical inversions in the Cloud
Estensioni speciali di Oasis montaj
Rapid 3D geophysical inversion
Invertite la raccolta geofisica con la potente velocità del Cloud e un’interfaccia facile da usare per migliorare la visualizzazione del sottosuolo. Il carico di lavoro del vostro computer viene alleggerito per consentirvi di dedicarvi ad altre attività.
Ulteriori informazioni:
Rapid 3D geophysical inversion
UXO detection onshore and offshore
Utilizzate lo standard industriale per la pianificazione dei rilievi, il QA/QC dei dati, il rilevamento e l’analisi degli obiettivi per gli ordigni inesplosi terrestri e marini.
Sviluppato in collaborazione con le principali agenzie governative.
Ulteriori informazioni (schede PDF):
UXO Land (scheda pdf in italiano)
UXO Marine (scheda pdf in italiano)
Gravity and magnetics in 2D and 3D
Convalidate il vostro modello geologico utilizzando i dati gravitazionali e magnetici. Costruite modelli terrestri interattivi e stratificati per visualizzare le variazioni e le irregolarità delle strutture del sottosuolo e calcolate le risposte gravitazionali e magnetiche del modello.
Ulteriori informazioni:
GM-SYS Profile
Estensioni che vi aiutano nel vostro lavoro
Le estensioni Oasis montaj vi aiutano a lavorare con:
Magnetic e Gravity Data
- Visualise, transform, and enhance your raw magnetic and gravity data into industry standard deliverables that inform real decisions.
- Rapidly process and enhance 2D gridded magnetic and gravity datasets using a wide range of geophysical and mathematical filters.
- Interactively apply 2D data transforms, including reduction of magnetic data to the magnetic pole or equator, derivatives, and upward/downward continuations.
- Test different filter parameters and view a real-time preview of how each filter enhances specific features, including 2D filters and matched filters for better depth slicing — before you apply it to your entire grid.
- Use depth to source calculation tools to estimate location of anomalies in 2D and 3D.
- Constrain and integrate your magnetic and gravity models with geology, GIS, and geochemistry data.
- Interpret, invert, and model potential field data for both sections and the full subsurface.
More extension information:
2D Filtering extension
Airborne quality control extension
CET Grid Analysis extension
CET Porphyry Detection extension
Compudrape extension
Geophysics extension
Gravity and terrain extension
Gravmag interpretation extension
Geophysics levelling extension
GridKnit extension
Isostatic Residual extension
Depth to Basement extension
PotentQ Extension
Predictive Targeting Extension
Dati di Conducibilità e Resistività
- Transform your measured data into high value interpretation deliverables. Perform resistivity depth transforms on your raw data and visualise it in 2D and 3D.
- Quickly create resistivity sections and pseudo sections from your Induced Polarisation (IP) or Electromagnetic (EM) data.
- Georeference, orient and integrate your resistivity data with your geophysical and geological interpretations. The right tools to flag poor quality measurements and confidently address problematic data.
- Calculate EM decay constant (Tau), and invert for Conductivity, and Chargeability on your EM or IP data.
- Model and run fast geophysical inversions on your EM or IP data using VOXI Earth Modelling.
More extension information:
Airborne quality control extension
CET Grid Analysis extension
CET Porphyry Detection extension
Compudrape extension
EM utilities extension
GridKnit extension
Induced polarization extension
Dati Geologici
- Increase your understanding of surface and subsurface geology. Digitise maps and images, orient them, and integrate them quickly into 2D and 3D geological models.
- Visualise, QA/QC, and interpret your surface and drill hole or borehole geophysics data. Easily and accurately produce presentation-quality drill hole plans, sections, strip logs, stacked sections, structural plots, and 3D visualisations.
- Process and analyse large volume drill hole data. Generate and manage exploration drilling projects.
- Import data directly from the most common online repositories. Produce high quality maps for interpretation and target definition.
More extension information:
CET Grid Analysis
CET Porphyry Detection
Drillhole plotting extension
Dati Radiometrici e di Spettrometria
- Reduce radiometric data to concentrations for use in geological and geophysical mapping – without needing to be a domain expert.
- Process and QA/QC radiometric data within Oasis montaj. Perform industry standard data reductions to your dataset. Transform raw counts into equivalent ground concentrations, ratios, dose rate, and produce ternary maps.
- Reduce noise using a wide variety of full spectrum statistical techniques, including NASVD and MNF. Easily identify and remove often challenging Radon pollution from your data
- Process and visualise ground and airborne spectrometer survey data from acquisition, to processing and presentation.
More extension information:
256 channel radiometrics extension
Airborne quality control extension
CET Grid Analysis
CET Porphyry Detection
GridKnit extension
Praga3 radiometrics extension
Dati Geochimici
- Integrate surficial maps, assay reports, and complex geochemical analyses with your geophysical, geology, and GIS data – all within Oasis montaj. Use guided, user-friendly workflows designed for non-specialists working with geochemistry data.
- Analyse multi-element geochemistry with principle component analysis, probability analysis, interactive summary statistics, histograms, tri-plots, and correlation plots.
- Perform essential tasks for due-diligence and reporting QA/QC tools to confirm the validity and quality of geochemical data, including assay, standards, and location data acquired in surveys.
- Simplify the quality control process with easy-to-use standard and duplicate handling capabilities.
Utilizzate Droni e lavorate con i dati UAV ?
- Semplificate i vostri rilievi magnetici aerei UAV con un flusso di lavoro completo.
- Pianificare i rilievi: Suddividete l’area di rilevamento in base al raggio d’azione del drone, rispettando i requisiti della linea visiva (VLOS) locale.
- Importazione ed elaborazione dei dati: Importa facilmente i file magnetometrici dei droni più comuni utilizzando modelli predefiniti. Risparmiate tempo importando in batch tutte le vostre sortite in una volta sola.
- Pulire i dati: Correggere, livellare e unire diversi set di dati di sortite UAV adiacenti in un unico set di dati.
Requisiti di sistema per Oasis montaj Extensions
We recommend you use Windows 10, with a reasonably fast processor, mid range graphics and 32GB of system memory.