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Leapfrog Edge extension

Produttore: Seequent

Leapfrog Edge extension


Conosci la tue risorse grazie a Leapfrog Edge.

Integra pienamente la stima delle risorse nei modelli geologici 3D.

Adalta è Rivenditore Ufficiale e Importatore Diretto per l’Italia di Seequent Leapfrog Edge. Richiesta quotazione…

Perché scegliere Leapfrog Edge

Effettuare stime affidabili delle risorse

Combinate gli approfondimenti visivi dei vostri modelli 3D Leapfrog con gli strumenti di stima delle risorse standard del settore di cui avete più bisogno, in un flusso di lavoro snello e flessibile.

Collegamento alla geologia

Integrare completamente il flusso di lavoro per la stima delle risorse con la modellazione geologica. Raffinate o aggiungete dati in qualsiasi fase e le modifiche fluiscono a valle dal modello geologico al modello delle risorse e ovunque nel mezzo.

Lavorare con i dati utilizzando strumenti altamente visivi, come l’oggetto di stima dominato con l’analisi dei confini, l’orientamento delle variabili, la segnalazione delle risorse e l’interrogazione dei blocchi variografici.

Abbattere le barriere

I flussi di lavoro intuitivi e flessibili e gli spazi di lavoro ordinati accelerano la curva di apprendimento della modellazione delle risorse. Consegnate facilmente i modelli a blocchi ad altri team nei comuni formati di file del settore.

Vedere i dati in modo diverso

Visualizzate e interagite con i vostri dati durante tutto il processo di stima delle risorse. Iterate rapidamente e vedete i risultati in 3D per ottenere nuove intuizioni e guidare il processo decisionale.

Condividete sezioni trasversali, video e modelli 3D interattivi con gli utenti non tecnici per aiutarli a comprendere le vostre intuizioni.

Costruite e condividete la vostra analisi più completa

Incorporate facilmente nuovi dati nel vostro modello e testate rapidamente le teorie per migliorare il processo decisionale e ridurre i rischi. Iterate rapidamente le idee e osservate le modifiche aggiornarsi dinamicamente nei grafici e nel modello a blocchi.

Domain assessment

Hone your scientific analysis and easily incorporate new information or theories for better decision making and reduced risk.

Test your domaining choices, visualise sampling and grade distribution, perform boundary analysis, and exploratory data analysis. Improve understanding and confidence along the way through interactive contextual visualisation.

Variography with transformed data

Demystify the process of defining ‘fit for purpose’ variogram models. Easily test the impact of choice of model on output estimates.

Simplify your variography by linking it to the graphic environment. Rapidly fit, adjust, then visualise and directly manipulate models in the 3D scene.

Easily create custom variograms to further check coherency of the spatial model. Automatically back-transform variogram models to normal scores data and create copies to test alternative model choices.


Use all the industry-standard tools you need in a highly visual iterative workflow that allows you to easily visualise your results and test hypotheses that hone your decision making. Perform Ordinary Kriging, Simple Kriging, Inverse Distance, and Nearest Neighbour in addition to the RBF estimator.

Simplify the task of validating resource estimates with the Parameter Report. Tabulate and export all estimation parameters with ease for auditing and reporting. Directly export to an Excel workbook for archive or inclusion in reports.

Variable orientation

Improve your grade estimates through better local sample selection and weighting. The Variable Orientation tool provides local control of search and variogram and ensures that these are well adapted to your sample and domain geometry.

Block modelling

Quickly become competent with filtering and evaluation tools that don’t require scripting experience and that also help reduce the likelihood of input errors. Reuse previous calculations to save time and build streamlined workflows for more efficiency. Rapidly upskill your team members and spread knowledge and experience so you aren’t overly reliant on one expert.

Reporting and communication

Use 3D models, cross sections, variograms, and graphs in reports to easily communicate your findings and provide evidence of an appropriate estimate.

Collaborate and communicate with team members and stakeholders to better manage risk using Seequent Central for Cloud-based data and model management and Seequent View for sharing visualisations.

Nuove caratteristiche in Leapfrog Edge

This release of Leapfrog Edge brings a suite of developments across the board to user experience, science and algorithms, performance improvements and increased interoperability.

The latest version includes a reinvigoration of long-standing features such as the drillhole correlation tool, with upgrades based on customer feedback and collaboration.

We’re working to support and improve stakeholder communication, with the addition of contextual labels to block models and drillholes as well as enhanced layouts and views.

Continued developments include upgrades to existing libraries and restructuring project storage with significant improvements to storage and processing speed.

Once again, you can expect faster workflows with new options for easier interoperability between popular industry software solutions.


We’ve extended our capability in Leapfrog to import variograms from Central. This enables variograms to be imported and reloaded from the project history or the Central Data Room. This new capability enables streamlined workflows with the Edge extension ensuring that all your estimators are using the correct variography.


With several new outputs now added to the Outputs tab for estimators such as NDh, MinAD, and AvgAD, you have greater flexibility when reporting and can determine with more precision whether an estimation is ‘well informed’ or ‘poorly informed’. Additionally, between block and within block variance have been added to the properties of an estimate when evaluated onto a block mode

Download The Full Release Notes

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Requisiti di sistema di Leapfrog Edge

We recommend you use Windows 10, with a reasonably fast processor, mid range graphics and 32GB of system memory.

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