Golden ha rilasciato un aggiornato minore di Surfer, il software leader per la mappatura, la modellazione e l’analisi dati.
Surfer 25.3.290 offre i seguenti miglioramenti e risolve alcuni bug.
I titolari di licenza con manutenzione attiva possono scaricare gratuitamente la nuova versione dal sito Golden Software.
Download upgrade Surfer 25.3.290 …
- 3D View: Drillhole: drillholes should still be displayed even with only one point in the survey table
- 3D View: Volume render: change default render mode to Sliced
- Color Scale: Labels: update Frequency as soon as Height changes (do not require parent layer change)
- 3D View: Camera: XYZ Target values revert to default
- 3D View: Changing the Z Axis min/max caused incorrect object placement
- 3D View: Digitize: Non-opaque objects do not get “hit” by clicks
- 3D View: error was generated when using old Intel Graphics (“Invalid depth buffer size!”)
- 3D View: Fly-Through: camera was not focused on constant point when playing
- 3D View: Z-axis auto-scaling not applied after Undo in plot view
- Crash when reloading drillhole data
- Crash when using Copy Properties with polymesh object
- GeoTIFF import: XY limits do not match metadata from other software
- Grid Data XYZC: spacing in Z direction changes # of Nodes in Y direction
- Internal Error in 3D view when creating flight path (Orientation.h)
- Internal Error saving large file, not enough memory (Main.cpp, Line 285)
- Internal Error when loading a non-PNG file (e.g. PDF, SRF, RAR, etc) using the PNG filter (gscatch.cpp)
- Overlay Maps: symbols in base layer change size when overlay