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Surfer 28

Produttore: Golden Software

Surfer 28

Golden Software

Esplorate le profondità dei vostri dati.

Surfer è il software leader per la mappatura, la modellazione e l’analisi dati.
Permette di convertire i dati nei seguenti tipi di mappe: contour, 3D wireframe, vector, image, shaded relief, post, base.
La mappa può essere scelta tra quelle in archivio o creata miscelando gli elementi di diverse mappe; può essere poi personalizzata in tutti i suoi elementi al fine di arrivare al risultato desiderato.

Con Surfer la produzione di mappe di qualità è non è mai stata cosi veloce e semplice.

Adalta è Rivenditore Ufficiale e Importatore Diretto per l’Italia di Golden Surfer. Richiesta quotazione…

A cosa serve Surfer?

Surfer helps engineers and scientists interpret complex geospatial datasets and transform them into insightful and understandable publication-ready models 

Communicate with Confidence

You’re pressed for time with demanding clients, budget pressures, and an ever growing to-do list.

You’re also passionate about leveraging your expertise to find effective solutions to real world problems. Your challenge is communicating these solutions to both technical and non-technical people.

Whether you’re developing models for groundwater contamination, mineralization concentration, site suitability, potentiometric surfaces, or terrain analysis, Surfer helps you better understand the full extent of the site and communicate your findings to a broad range of audiences.

Effortlessly Manage Data to Save Time

How many times have you heard, “Yes, I have all the digital data for the site!” only to receive hundreds of unreferenced files?

You have the daunting task of transforming this information into something understandable from which to pull actionable insights.

Surfer offers a variety of tools to streamline the challenging data assembly process.

Complete Compatibility

Import and export numerous file formats like SHP, DXF, PDF, LAS/LAZ, and XLSX, georeference images, and effortlessly manage unreferenced data and data in different and multiple coordinate systems.

Robust Interpolation

Transform regularly or irregularly spaced XYZ or XYZC data onto a grid or raster with 12 different interpolation methods including Kriging, Inverse Distance to a Power, and Triangulation with Linear Interpolation.

Full Control

Each interpolation method provides complete control over all gridding parameters, including options to incorporate anisotropy, faults, breaklines, and variogram models.

New Insights

Incorporate old data into your model with Surfer’s georeferencing and digitizing tools and the option to generate grid or raster files directly from contour maps.

Enhanced Visuals

Visualize grids using 10 different map types such as contours or surfaces, and combine the data with other layers like aerial photographs, spot locations, drillhole data and LiDAR point clouds.

True 3D

Level up your model with true 3D interpolation. Add point locations, surfaces, drillhole paths and data, and 3D XYZC grids as rendered volumes or isosurfaces in true 3D space.

Develop Eye-Opening Insights

Stakeholders rely on you to provide insights that save time, money, and headache.

Surfer empowers you with a robust set of analysis features.

Ensure Accuracy

Adjust interpolation and gridding parameters to ensure accuracy and increase confidence in the interpolated dataset. Include variogram models, define faults and breaklines, or generate grid statistics to identify trends or anomalies.

Reveal Insights

Apply mathematical operations on grid files, also known as matrix math. Generate isopach or isocore maps, calculate contamination volumes, identify anomalies, model groundwater flow and solute transports, or calculate slope, aspect, or curvature.

Eliminate Uncertainty

Bring subsurface characteristics to light with cross sections or profile maps or explore the data from every angle in Surfer’s 3D view as you fly between drillhole paths and inspect all aspects of isosurfaces and volumes.

Facilitate Understanding Across Audiences

There’s nothing better than seeing your work transform into something real and tangible. Surfer facilitates “AHA!” moments for technical and non-technical audiences alike.

You have full control of the final display. Practically every aspect of your Surfer model is customizable.

Enhance Maps & Models

Add title blocks, company logos, legends, scale bars, cross sections, magnifiers, or multiple axes. Add context with imagery that’s imported or downloaded from online servers directly within Surfer.

Share Your Work

Copy and paste directly into PowerPoint or Word, export all of some map layers to DXF for AutoCAD, provide the field crew with a KMZ file to view the model in Google Earth, or export to PDF, 3D PDF, or TIF for your final report.

Bridge the Gap

Help investors fully conceptualize the extent of the project by walking them through the site in 3D all from the comfort of the boardroom. Highlight areas of interest, pinpoint the source of contamination, and clarify the full extent of the remediation efforts.

“The happiest part of my job is looking at data and putting it into a plot that explains it to people.”

Cosa c’è di nuovo in Surfer 28?

L’ultima versione di Surfer presenta numerose novità!
Le principali sono elencate di seguito.

A more complete list of the new features can be found here:

Top Features in Surfer’s Latest Release

Download base map imagery from XYZ Tile servers! This gives you access to more reliable, higher quality and global coverage for base map images, such as those from OpenStreetMaps or other services. If you are looking for some XYZ Tiles servers to use, visit our KB article for Web services or contact our customer success team for more server options.

London, EnglandSydney, AustraliaDenver, United States
Download global high-resolution imagery from XYZ Tiles servers using the Base from Server command!

Many users have similar looking projects that they create in Surfer over and over again, usually with a company logo and title block. To help users get started, Surfer now includes many sample frame layouts ready to use.

Users can open any of the sample frame template files, add their maps, update the text, add any other elements they wish (e.g. scale bars and legends), resave to a new file and be done! Of course, users can create their own frames from scratch, or update any of the existing frames to meet their needs and resave. For more information, please see our KB article for Frame Templates.


Open one of the sample frame template files, and update the map area and text with your own project information.

We’ve made the visualization in the 3D view more robust and user friendly than ever before, to save you time and headaches.

Perspective or Orthographic Projection

View your 3D visualization in either the perspective projection, which is similar to human vision, or orthographic projection, which preserves parallel lines. Use the quick keyboard shortcut keys P or O to change the view to Perspective or Orthographic, respectively.

View your model in Perspective or Orthographic projection!

Preset Views

Save time viewing your data from different orientations! Use the easy keyboard shortcut keys N, S, E, W, T or B to automatically view the model from the North, South, East, West, Top or Bottom. For example, simply click the T key to view the model from the top.

Easily and quickly view the model from any of the 6 sides using the Preset Views!

3D Triad

Always see how your model is oriented using the handy Triad! Select to view it or not, and choose which corner of the window it should be in. Additionally, customize the text at the end of the directional arrows! Don’t like Top, East and North? You can change it to X, Y and Z or anything you want!


Add a triad to any corner of the 3D view so you can always keep yourself oriented!

Bounding Box

Create a bounding box around your data! Bounding boxes are an excellent way to communicate the extents of your data or to contain the model for aesthetic purposes. Create bounding boxes around the entire axis extents of the model, or create one around just the volume render or isosurface extents.

Bounding box.png

Add a bounding box around the extents of either the entire axis (black), volume render (blue) or isosurface (red).

Export 3D Vector Data

Import or draw 3D geometry in the 2D view, and then view it in 3D in the 3D view! To export the geometry to a new 3D vector file (e.g. SHP, DXF, BLN), simply export the data directly from the 3D view to a new file.

Copy/Paste Format

Time saver! Quickly apply the same formatting, such as color, size, or other properties to your visualizations in the 3D view! For example, configure an isosurface with a clipping plane just the way you want, copy the properties and paste them onto another isosurface. You don’t have to re-enter all the same properties, clipping plane or colormap properties over again.

Requisiti di sistema di Surfer

Surfer is a Windows based, desktop software.

For Mac, Linux, or Unix users, Surfer can be run using your preferred Windows emulator. We recommend testing the functionality with our trial version before purchasing.

Minimum requirements

  • Windows 10, 11, or higher
  • 64-bit operation system
  • 1024×768 or higher monitor resolution with minimum 16-bit color depth
  • 500 MB free hard disk space
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 3D View: Graphics supporting OpenGL v3.2 or later

System recommendations for best performance

  • Windows 10, 11, or higher
  • 64-bit operating system
  • 500 GB or larger hard-drive with at least 25% disk space available, or higher
  • 16 GB RAM, or higher
  • 3D View: Graphics card (e.g. NVIDIA, AMD, etc)

Optional settings

  • Gridding, contouring, and color relief operations, all of which are heavily computational, are processor reliant and are multi-threaded.  In Surfer, you will find a setting at File | Options | General | Max number of processors to use.  It should be set to use all cores.
  • For gridding and contouring operations, CPU performance is important.  The more cores the better. 
  • When working consistently with very large data files, more RAM is important.
  • ​Turning off auto recovery can help performance in some cases.  It is OFF by default, but it can be enabled at File | Options | General | Save auto recovery information.

Per comprare una nuova licenza di Surfer 28, conoscere il costo dell'upgrade da una precedente versione, o ricevere una offerta con il prezzo per le tipologie di licenza disponibili (fixed, network, annuale, perpetua,…) richieda un preventivo per un acquisto personalizzato in base alla sua categoria di utente (accademico, non profit, privato, …); è possibile acquistare licenze personali o multilicenza per un gruppo di utenti.