Dal rilascio della versione 28 di Surfer lo scorso settembre 2024, Golden ha rilasciato alcuni aggiornamenti minori.
Le ultime patch rilasciate nel mese di gennaio 2025 hanno apportato i seguenti miglioramenti:
New Features and Improvements:
- An update was made to the message notification system
- 3D View: Drillholes: Properties should remain on when the visibility of the object is off
- Internal Error when using grid TIFF to create color relief layer (Grid.cpp)
- 3D View: Color Scale: Invisible frame line style also sets ticks to be invisible
- Drillholes: cannot add legend after copy/paste
- Drillholes: legend is drawn incorrectly after loading
- Export PDF (vector): contour fill is in triangles
- Exporting raster base layer to TIF/JPG with high DPI could create a line of blank pixels in the image
- Grid Data: Polynomial regression: no longer works with 3 data points
- Import PDF: error when importing both raster and vector graphics, using the alternate rasterizer (errno=1 Max token stack size reached)
- Internal Error when loading some ECW files (EcwReader.cpp)