Prism 10 è un aggiornamento maggiore appena rilasciato da GraphPad.
Moltissime sono le nuove caratteristiche apportate all’ottimo software per la biostatistica di base e la grafica scientifica.
- Powerful data analysis. Advanced graph customization. Simplified collaboration
- Break down data silos: Introducing a more open file format that enables new workflows and integrations
- Simplified interpretation of results: A new responsive “One or None” P value summary style
- More comprehensive analysis: Default multiple comparison method for two-way ANOVA
- Graph Inspector: A new interactive approach to multiple variable graph customization
- Expanded data capabilities: Faster performance and support for larger data sets
- Wrangle your data with new tools: New functions, new syntax, new outputs, and much more
- Access more results: An all-new analysis constant dialog
- Collaboration simplified: Publish, share, and discuss your work with Prism Cloud beta
- And much, much more!