La nuova versione 10.3 appena rilasciata di Prim per Windows e Macintosh offre: more advanced statistical methods, machine-learning algorithms, sample size and power analysis, new stunning visualizations, modern authentication and license provisioning tools.
Prism 10.3 contiene tutto questo e altro:
- Sample size and power analysis: quickly determine the number of samples or subjects that you need for your experimental design; explore the relationships between sample size and power; investigate the smallest detectable effect size when working with a limited number of samples or subjects.
- Hierarchical clustering: uncover the natural connections between observations in your data. This machine learning technique allows you to investigate how closely different observations are related to each other and uncover groupings within your data.
- K-means clustering: specify a target number of clusters, and this machine learning algorithm will partition your data, iteratively grouping the most similar observations together and adjusting cluster assignments.
- Dendrograms: visualize the hierarchical relationships from clustering analyses. Use dendrograms as an independent graph or as part of a heatmap from the output of hierarchical clustering.
- Confidence ellipses and convex hulls: visually represent estimates for the parameters that define the population from which your data were drawn, or clearly indicate the boundaries for groups of data on your graphs.
- TeX-rendered equations for nonlinear regression: add high-quality, formatted equations from nonlinear regression onto your graphs. Insert formulas that include best-fit parameter values directly beside your graphed curves.
- And much more!!
I titolari di licenza annuale o perpetua di Prism 10.x possono scaricare la nuova versione gratuitamente.