KaleidaGraph – Synergy Software: rilasciate nuove patch 5.0.6 per Mac e 5.0.4. per Win

Synergy Software mantiene costantemente aggiornato Kaleidagraph correggendo gli errori segnalati dagli utenti.
Ha rilasciato una nuova patch che funzionerà solo se la versione 5.0 è già installata sul computer e non con versioni beta.

Mac v5.0.6 Updater
Changes from v5.0.5 to v5.0.6

  • Addressed an issue when editing a marker in the Y2 legend of a Bubble plot.
  • Made a change that prevents the plot area from being deleted or

Windows v5.0.4 Updaters
Changes from v5.0.3 to v5.0.4

  • Both of the changes listed to the left for the Mac v5.0.6 updater.
  • Addressed a clipping issue when exporting SVG files.
  • Addressed an issue that prevented the General curve fit list from updating dynamically.

Note: There are separate updaters for the single-user and network licenses. Most users will need the single-user updater. If one fails, try the other.

Scarica la patch subito!

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