Surfer – Golden Software: rilasciata nuova versione 28

Surfer il software leader per la mappatura, la modellazione e l’analisi di dati geospaziali. Golden Software ha rilasciato la nuova versione 28 che gli utenti, con manutenzione attiva, possono scaricare gratuitamente dal sito del produttore.

Le più importanti nuove caratteristiche sono:

Download XYZ Tiles: download base map imagery from XYZ Tile servers! This gives you access to more reliable, higher quality and global coverage for base map images, such as those from OpenStreetMaps or other services.

3D Grid Visualization: we’ve made the visualization in the 3D view more robust and user friendly than ever before, to save you time and headaches.

  • Perspective or Orthographic Projection: View your 3D visualization in either the perspective projection, which is similar to human vision, or orthographic projection, which preserves parallel lines.
  • Preset Views: Save time viewing your data from different orientations!
  • 3D Triad: Always see how your model is oriented using the handy Triad! S
  • Bounding Box: Create a bounding box around your data!
  • Export 3D Vector Data: Import or draw 3D geometry in the 2D view, and then view it in 3D in the 3D view!
  • Copy/Paste Format: Time saver! Quickly apply the same formatting, such as color, size, or other properties to your visualizations in the 3D view!

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