Parallel Universe Magazine – Intel Software: pubblicato il n. 55 della rivista tecnica gratuita

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Articolo in evidenza: Ushering in a New Era of Accelerated AI on Intel® CPUs
This issue showcases some of the latest ways that open standards are helping developers improve the accuracy and performance of AI and HPC applications.

Letter from the Editor: Another Year, Another Award for oneAPI.

Sommario n. 55

  • Using Intel’s New Built-in AI Acceleration Engines
  • Taking Stock of How Far We’ve Come
  • Unified Acceleration (UXL) Foundation
  • Trusted TorchServe Using BigDL Privacy Preserving Machine Learning
  • A Quantization Framework for Bayesian Deep Learning
  • State-of-the-Art Visual Quality Inspection
  • Distribution of Intel® Optimized HPC Binaries Using Spack

Leggi subito Intel Parallel Universe Magazine n. 55