Origin Pro 2022b – OriginLab: disponibili le registrazioni dei webinar di lancio

Lo scorso giugno OriginLab ha rilasciato la versione 2022b di Origin Pro e ha erogato 4 webinar sui temi di maggior interesse e sulle caratteristiche della nuova versione.

Adesso rende disponibili le registrazioni e I file Opj utilizzati dai relatori.

Peak Analysis

In this webinar, a member of OriginLab’s Technical Support department will introduce various peak analysis tools available in OriginPro including Gadgets, analyses, and Apps. The focus will be on basic peak finding, fitting and integration and examples of common scenarios will be provided.

What’s new in 2022b

In this webinar, we will cover Key Features of Origin 2022b (released May 2022): Export Graphs and Layouts as SVG Format, Workbook and Window Arrangement Improvements, Rich Text support, Working with GeoTIFF files, and several new graphs types and apps.

Curve Fitting

In this webinar, a member of OriginLab’s Technical Support department will introduce various linear and nonlinear curve fitting tools in OriginPro 2022b including Gadgets, analysis tools, and Apps geared towards basic curve fitting. The presenter will run through examples of typical curve fitting scenarios that most users will encounter.

Basic Statistics

This webinar will cover performing basic statistics on worksheets and graphs in OriginPro 2022b. Tools for descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing and basic ANOVA will also be covered.

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