Wolfram ha rilasciato la nuova versione che introduce nuove funzionalità che utilizzano i large language models (LLMs) ed espande le funzionalità per il machine learing, il calcolo matematico, la foreign function interface (FFI) e molto altro…
Vi invitiamo a leggere il post di Stephen Wolfram che spiega il percorso di sviluppo intrapreso per arrivare al nuovo rilascio.
Leggi il post di Stephen Wolfram per i dettagli…
La lista delle nuove caratteristiche è la seguente:
- Added many new functions for calling large language model (LLM) functionality programmatically and for allowing LLMs to access Wolfram Language tools: ChatObject, ChatEvaluate, LLMFunction, LLMSynthesize, LLMTool and more.
- Edit properties for a given kernel with KernelConfigurationEdit.
- Symbolic representation and manipulation of unit tests with TestCreate, TestObject, TestEvaluate and TestEvaluationFunction.
- Compute vector line integrals with LineIntegrate and vector surface integrals with SurfaceInterage.
- Perform complex contour integration with ContourIntegrate.
- Support for the Appell bivariate hypergeometric special functions: AppellF2, AppellF3 and AppellF4.
- Multiple new functions added and updated to represent finite fields and finite field elements and perform polynomial computations over finite fields, including FiniteField, FiniteFieldElement, FiniteFieldEmbedding, FiniteFieldElementNorm, MinimalPolynomial and MultiplicativeOrder.
- Multiple linear algebra functions have been updated to support structured matrices with compact representation and fast computation, controlled by the new TargetStructure option.
- Statically or dynamically highlight specific elements in visualizations with Highlighted and set global highlighting effects for visualizations with PlotHighlighting.
- Calibrate a system model’s parameters with measurement data using SystemModelCalibrate.
- Publish 3D graphics and geometries to AR devices with ARPublish.
- Added support for the “USD” and “GLTF” AR formats for mobile devices.
- Measure how different two regions are with RegionHausdorffDistance and compute the farthest distance between two regions with RegionFarthestDistance.
- Compute the minimal enclosing ball for a set of points with CircumscribedBall and compute the maximum inscribed ball with InscribedBall.
- Haloing creates a halo around a graphics object, typically used for text labels.
- ImageSynthesize generates an image from a textual prompt.
- FindImageShapes finds common shapes (lines, circles, ellipses, …) in an image.
- New functions to represent, load and get pointers to functions in dynamic libraries: ForeignFunction, ForeignFunctionLoad and ForeignPointerLookup.
- Several functions added for raw memory operations: RawMemoryAllocate, RawMemoryFree, RawMemoryRead, RawMemoryWrite, RawMemoryImport and RawMemoryExport.
- Support for memory-managed objects with ManagedObject, CreateManagedObject and UnmanageObject.
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