Potente software di analisi statistica e grafica
Semplificate le vostre ricerche e migliorate le vostre pubblicazioni con la suite completa di funzioni statistiche e i brillanti grafici 2D e 3D di SYSTAT.
Systat Software è orgogliosa di presentare SYSTAT 13.2, l’ultima novità nel campo dell’elaborazione statistica desktop. Gli utenti di statistica alle prime armi possono utilizzare l’interfaccia guidata da menu di SYSTAT per condurre semplici analisi e produrre splendidi grafici 2D e 3D per presentazioni o rapporti.
Adalta è Rivenditore Unico per l’Italia di Grafiti Systat. Richiesta quotazione…
A cosa serve Systat
SYSTAT 13 è più veloce, robusto e resistente di tutti i suoi predecessori.
Semplificate le vostre ricerche e migliorate le vostre pubblicazioni con la suite completa di funzioni statistiche e i brillanti grafici 2D e 3D di SYSTAT.
Chi ha bisogno di analisi avanzate può utilizzare le routine statistiche più sofisticate di SYSTAT e creare grafici e diagrammi pronti per la pubblicazione. Le interfacce dei menu e dei comandi di SYSTAT sono interconnesse e consentono agli utenti di scegliere il metodo più adatto alle loro esigenze.
SYSTAT 13 è più veloce, robusto e resistente di tutti i suoi predecessori. Le nuove funzionalità di gestione dei dati consentono al software di elaborare serie di dati più ampie, a velocità mai viste prima.
SYSTAT 13 offre tutta la potenza di calcolo statistico di cui i ricercatori hanno bisogno
SYSTAT offre non solo procedure comuni come la regressione lineare, l’analisi della varianza e i test non parametrici, ma anche metodi avanzati come l’analisi dei modelli misti, la regressione avanzata (ad esempio, robusta, non lineare, ai minimi quadrati parziali, ecc.)
SYSTAT 13 introduce i seguenti nuovi metodi statistici:
- ARCH & GARCH Models in Time Series
- Best Subsets Regression
- Confirmatory Factor Analysis
- Environment Variables in Best Statistics
- Polynomial Regression
- Enhancements to existing methods such as ANOVA, Bootstrapping, Crosstabulation, Fitting Distributions, Hypothesis Testing and more!
SYSTAT rende il vostro lavoro semplice e agevole
I prodotti SYSTAT stand-alone e di rete sono disponibili con licenze perpetue.
È possibile personalizzare quasi tutti gli aspetti del software SYSTAT, dalla configurazione dei menu e delle barre degli strumenti all’aspetto e allo stile predefinito dei risultati. La creazione di file di comando personalizzati consente di eseguire analisi e produrre grafici su diverse serie di dati in modo immediato.
Inoltre, SYSTAT 13 è stato progettato per gestire insiemi di dati ancora più grandi rispetto al passato. SYSTAT 13 calcola metodi statistici fino a 10 volte più velocemente delle versioni precedenti sulla maggior parte dei problemi.
Ecco alcune altre funzioni aggiunte con SYSTAT 13 per semplificarvi la vita:
- Un nuovo editor di dati con facili strumenti di navigazione e immissione tramite trascinamento
- Funzionalità di completamento automatico e di dialogo con i token
- Nuove funzioni di controllo della grafica che consentono un controllo più dettagliato dell’aspetto
- File di aiuto completo di SYSTAT
- Un nuovo layout del Worspace a schede che consente una navigazione più agevole
- e molto altro ancora…
Cercate di eseguire test con campioni di piccole dimensioni? SYSTAT Exact Tests fa al caso vostro.
I ricercatori in campo sociale, comportamentale e biologico si trovano spesso a cercare di ottenere un risultato significativo da un campione di piccole dimensioni. L’utilizzo di test statistici standard basati su metodi asintotici su insiemi di dati di piccole dimensioni può creare risultati fuorvianti.
SYSTAT ha stretto una partnership con Cytel, leader da 20 anni nella progettazione e nell’analisi di studi clinici, per offrirvi un nuovo pacchetto di funzionalità di test: SYSTAT Exact Tests.
Gli utenti hanno ora a disposizione più opzioni per soddisfare le loro esigenze: acquistare SYSTAT 13 da solo e ricevere la completezza e il supporto su cui avete sempre fatto affidamento, oppure acquistare il nostro nuovo prodotto, SYSTAT 13 con test esatti, e aggiungere l’esclusiva capacità di inferenza esatta di Cytels a un pacchetto statistico già potente.
Caratteristiche generali di Systat
- The Graphical User Interface is a single window with panes and tabs for displaying output, data, graph and command files conveniently
- Startpage to access what’s new in the current version, recent files, interface themes and manuals, get useful tips, and scribble notes
- Variable Editor for editing various properties of variables in the data file; copy-paste all or some properties of any number of variables
- View value labels or data values in the Data Editor
- View variable statistics and histogram for any variable on right-click
- Window menu to view multiple tabs in the Viewspace simultaneously
- Examples tab with one-click access to all the examples in the user manual
- Add your own examples to the Examples tab
- Extensive use of drag-and-drop and right-click mouse functionality
- Faster processing speed
- Fully customizable main and context (right-click) menus; set captions, accelerator keys and button images
- Simple and intuitive default menu structure; option to switch to other menu structures (supplied, downloadable or created)
- Advanced customizable status bar with items to toggle global settings and data processing conditions
- Record and play menu and dialog actions; create new menu items with links to these
- Create your own menu items linked to command files or sets of commands
- Several toolbars with over 250 fully customizable tools (buttons)
- Specify/modify keyboard shortcuts
- Set menu font and animation
- Create new popup menus in the Menu Bar
- Create and apply interface themes that capture the menu structure and content, status bar content, keyboard shortcuts, output scheme, pane dimensions and locations, toolbar positions and content, recent files, and user menu items
- Use themes supplied with the product and download additional themes from the Internet
- Customize resources (including errors and warning messages, status bar and bubble help content, toolbars and dialogs) and link them to an interface theme
- Numerous global options for each aspect of the application
- Move the active tab to the beginning of the Viewspace/Commandspace
- Specify file comments in the Data Editor
- Command line and dialog interface interlinked so that the hypotheses features can be conveniently accessed
- Crash recovery and rescue system to retrieve any unsaved data files in the unlikely event of a crash or improper shut down
- Easy access for basic statistical analyses and exploratory graphical techniques of widespread use in a separate menu named Quick Access
- SYSTAT has a Windows style interface which means, it adopts the theme that is applied for the Windows Desktop
Dialog boxes
- Tabbed dialog boxes where various options (e.g. Options, Results and various other settings) come under different tabs of the main dialog box
- Drag-and-drop facility, double-click facility, multiple contiguous and non-contiguous selection using Ctrl and Shift keys, as well as context (right-click) menu to ease the selection of variables in different dialog boxes
- All the input fields in dialogs show tool tips with range values
- Icons to indicate category variables in dialog boxes, Data Editor and frequency as weight variables in the Data Editor
- Variable labels as tooltip on mouse hover
- Keyboard shortcuts for dialog items
- Grid controls for entering any number of rows of input with keyboard shortcuts for ease of use
- ‘What’s this’ help for each item in the dialog box
- Headers, footers, page setup and print preview with multiple view options
- HTML based output with tabular and ASCII modes;
tables can be directly and conveniently copied to external applications without distortion - Collapsible links for each section of the output
- Specify the field width and number of decimal places
- Short, medium or long statistical output
- Define font style and size for tabular as well as ASCII output formats;
font sizes can be condensed to be as small as desired - Display variable labels, names or both
- Display value labels, data values or both
- Wrap and/or truncate text in tables appearing in the output, at the desired number of characters
- Control the display of statistical Quick Graphs
- Global option to echo commands in the output
- Page width: Narrow, Wide or None (Infinite page width)
- Maximum number of characters in a row and number of columns in tables dynamically determined based on the page width and font settings
- Tables with excess columns will be split into as many parts as required with the row and column headers appended to each part
- Global output scheme options for each component of the output; settings saved to the interface theme
- Save output in the SYSTAT (.syo), text, RTF, HTML or single-page HTML (.mht) formats
- Output can be resumed from previous sessions using the SYSTAT format output file, which contains the command log and data file informationGlobal options
Output Organizer™
- Index for easy output navigation and manipulation
- Combined, formatted statistical output and graphs
- Right-click on any data file node to view it or set it active for editing or using in an analysis
- Organize output based on the data file used for a given section of the output
- Set detailed output organizer node captions
- Extensive printed/pdf user documentation containing 8 volume set of SYSTAT manuals: Getting Started, Statistics I, Statistics II, Statistics III, Statistics IV, Graphics, Data, Language Reference
- Extensive Online Help System with Index, Search, and Favorites lists
- Acronym expansions, data file references in the Online Help system
- Knowledge base (FAQ) with answers to various queries raised by users
- Tutorials with step-by-step instructions on using various features
- Status bar help and ‘Bubble Help’ regarding a given feature on mouse hover on the corresponding menu item
- Statistics Glossary
- Context sensitive help on pressing F1 on any item in the interface.
Le novità di Systat 13.2
SYSTAT 13.2 Release Notes
Il nuovo sistema di licenze supporta le versioni a 32 e 64 bit dei sistemi operativi Windows 7, Windows 8 e Windows 10.
SYSTAT 13.2 ora supporta pienamente i seguenti formati di file:
1. Sigmaplot – *.jnb
2. Microsoft Excel (97-2013) (*.xls, *.xlsx)
3. SPSS(..21) (*.sav)
4. SAS (6-9) (*.sd2; *.sas7bdat)
5. SAS Transport (*.xpt; *.tpt)
6. MiniTab (8-13) (*.mtw)
7. Statistica 12 (*.sta)
8. Stata (..12) (*.dta)
9. JMP (3-11) (*.jmp)
10. DBase (*.dbf)
11. ASCII Text (*.txt; *.dat; *.csv)
12. ArcView (*.shp)
13. Lotus (*.wk1; *.wk2; *.wk4;*.wks)
14. DIF (*.dif)
15. Statview (*.svd)
Fixed Issues:
– 32 bit and 64 bit
a. Broken command line scripts: SYSTAT command line scripts were failing to execute because of IE upgrade from 6.0 to higher versions. The problem is fixed.
b. Unsynchronized commands generated in the log file problem fixed.
c. Saved scripts generated through the Start/Stop utility were unusable as they did not have extension. Now the scripts get saved with extension.
d. Commands generated through LOGLIN dialog are case sensitive and Systat would recognize only Uppercase. Now SYSTAT recognizes both the cases.
e. Start page’s Scratchpad now supports all keyboard shortcuts.
f. Replace (Ctrl+H) is enabled in batch tab of command space.
g. New toolbar button disabled when Interactive and log tabs are clicked.
h. Frozen menu in Start page is cleared.
64 bit only
a. In 64-Bit application, response to mouse center button in Grid Scroll bar was erroneous, the problem is solved.
b. In 64-bit SYSTAT, non-display of Data Edit bar in Grid View is corrected.
Try SYSTAT 13’s New Statistical Features
Explore the latest additions to SYSTAT 13’s statistics portfolio.
Forecast Time Series Error Variance with ARCH and GARCH
Conventional time series analysis procedures assume that the variance of the random (error) terms in the series is constant over time. In practice, however, certain series, especially in the financial domain, exhibit volatility with different levels of variance in different periods. In order to capture and model this phenomenon, Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models have been developed. Here the variance at each point of the series is modeled using the past disturbances in the series. The ARCH model generally requires a large number of parameters to successfully capture the dynamics of the error variance. The Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model, by introducing additional autoregressive terms of the error variance helps achieve parameter parsimony in the modeling.
SYSTAT 13’s Time Series Analysis update provides the following:
- Hypothesis tests for ARCH effects: Well-known McLeod and Lagrange Multiplier tests are provided for this purpose.
- Estimation of ARCH and GARCH model parameters by different implementations (BHHH, BFGS, and Newton-Raphson) of the maximum likelihood method with various options for convergence criteria.
- Forecasts for error variances using the parameter estimates.
- The Jarque-Bera test for normality of errors.
Find the Best Predictors with Best Subsets Regression
In the development of a multiple (linear) regression model, it would be nice if the number of predictors in the model developed is small without sacrificing predictive power. The best subsets regression addresses this issue.
- SYSTAT 13 finds best models (choice of predictors) for a given number of predictors, the number varying from one to the total number available in the data set.
- The best model is identified by various criteria such as R2, Adjusted R2, Mallow’s Cp, MSE, AIC, AICC and BIC.
- SYSTAT 13 then offers to carry out a complete regression analysis on the data set chosen by the user (same as the training set or different) on the best model selected by any of the criteria.
Examine the Fitness of Statistical Models Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis
The Factor Analysis feature in SYSTAT 13 now includes Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA).
- CFA can be used to test the postulated factor structure based on a priori knowledge about the relationship between the observed (manifest) variables and the latent variables.
- With CFA, SYSTAT allows users to specify the observed variables, a set of latent variables, and their variance-covariance structure.
- A path diagram can be used to specify the hypothesized model.
- SYSTAT 13 estimates the parameters of the CFA model using one of the following estimation options: Maximum likelihood, Generalized least-squares, and Weighted least-squares.
- SYSTAT 13 provides a wide of variety of goodness-of-fit indices to measure the degree of conformity of the postulated factor model to the data. Some of the well-known indices provided are: Goodness-of-Fit Index (GIF), Root Mean Square Residual (RMR), Parsimonious Goodness-of- fit Index (PGFI), AIC, BIC, McDonald’s measure of Certainty, and Non-normal Fit Index (NNFI).
Try SYSTAT 13’s Newest Regression Capability: Polynomial Regression
SYSTAT 13 provides a direct computation of polynomial regression on a single independent variable. The key features are:
- The order of the polynomial can be up to 8.
- Besides fitting polynomials in standard forms, SYSTAT 13 provides orthogonal polynomial regression.
- SYSTAT 13 reports goodness-of fit-statistics (R2 and adjusted R2) and ANOVA with p-values for all models, starting from the order specified by the user, down to linear (order = 1).
- SYSTAT 13 provides confidence and prediction interval plots along with estimates, and a plot of residuals versus predicted values, as Quick Graphs.
Add Polish to Your Research with Stunning 2D and 3D Graphs
SYSTAT 13 renders visually compelling 2D graphics perfect for publication, and incredible 3D graphics that bring an incredible wow-factor to any research or business presentation. SYSTAT 13 comes packed with new graphical editing features, such as:
- Richer Color Choices: Specify any color for your graphs from their red, green and blue component values.
- New Editing Capabilities: Edit graph size, color, axes, legends, border display, etc. using interactive dialog boxes.
- New Color Gradient Editing: SYSTAT 13 gives you precise control over gradient color and style on 3D graph surfaces.
- New Graph Labeling Features: Generate numeric case labels in plots, multivariate displays and maps. Label the dots in dot plots.
Explore SYSTAT 13’s Improvements to Its Existing Statistical Methods
Enjoy more robust testing, regression and cross-tabulation features with SYSTAT 13.
Analysis of Variance Upgrades
The Analysis of Variance feature now provides:
- Levene’s test based on median for testing homogeneity of variances.
- A SUBCAT command that categorizes the desired factors just for the purpose of the analysis.
Basic Statistics Upgrades
The Basic Statistics updates in SYSTAT 13 include:
- Standard error and confidence interval for the trimmed mean.
- Winsorized mean, its standard error and confidence interval.
- Sample mode and mode based on kernel density estimate of data.
- Interquartile range
Bootstrap Analysis Upgrades
In previous versions, SYSTAT has analysis of the bootstrap outputs, summarizing the key parts of the outputs by histograms, computing various types of bootstrap estimates, their biases, standard errors, confidence intervals, and p-values. In SYSTAT 13, this facility is added to Hypothesis Testing and enhanced in Least-Squares Regression.
- In Hypothesis Testing, SYSTAT 13 provides bootstrap-based p-values and histograms of the test statistic obtained from the bootstrap samples. Apart from the usual p-values of the tests, users can now request bootstrap-based p-values in all tests for mean (one-sample z, one-sample t, two- sample z, two-sample t, paired t, Poisson) and variance (single variance, two variances and several variances)
- In Least-Squares Linear Regression, a choice of bootstrapping residuals has been included. Bootstrap estimates of the regression coefficients, their biases, standard errors, and confidence intervals are then computed based on these.
Crosstabulation Upgrades
Updates provided in the Crosstabulation (XTAB) feature include the following:
- Relative Risk: In a 2 x 2 table, the relative risk is the ratio of the proportions of cases having a ‘positive’ outcome in the two groups defined by row or column. Relative Risk is a common measure of association for dichotomous variables.
- Mode: SYSTAT 13 gives an option to list only the first N categories in a one-way table (frequency distribution). This is done by adding a MODE = N option to the PLENGTH command within XTAB.
- Output categorized appropriately based on the type of table, and reorganized table of measures.
Hypothesis Testing Upgrades
The Hypothesis Testing feature has been strengthened by adding tests for mean vectors of multivariate data.
- One-sample Hotelling’s T2 test for mean vector of multivariate data equal to a known vector.
- Two-sample Hotelling’s T2 test for equality of two mean vectors of multivariate data.
For two-sample z, two-sample t, and test for two variances, users can now directly input data in a layout where the data across the samples appear in different columns. This is in addition to the current indexed layout.
Logistic Regression
SYSTAT 13 offers more intuitive ways of analyzing binary, multinomial, conditional, and discrete choice models. Specifically:
- Simplified and easy user interface and command line structure to analyze binary, multinomial, conditional, and discrete choice models separately.
- Option to specify the reference level for the binary and multinomial response models.
- Simpler form of input data to analyze matched sample case-control studies with one case and any number of controls per set.
- For Discrete choice models, SYSTAT 13 provides two data layouts: ‘Choice set’ and ‘By choice’ to model an individual’s choices in response to the characteristics of the choices.
Nonparametric Tests
Updates in Nonparametric tests include:
- Jonckeere-Terpstra test as an alternative to Mann-Whitney test: The test is used when the treatments are ordered in terms of the response. This test is based on the sum of the k(k-1)/2 Mann-Whitney counts (for k treatments).
- Fligner-Wolfe test as an alternative to Mann-Whitney test: The test is used when one of the treatments acts as a control, to test equality of response to control vis-à-vis all other treatments, with a one-sided alternative. This is a Mann-Whitney test with two groups when the control is one group and all other treatments together form another.
- Post hoc (multiple comparisons) tests of Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Fligner and of Conover-Inman which can be used as a follow-up when a Kruskal-Wallis test shows significance.
- A multiple comparison test due to Conover as a follow-up of Friedman test showing significance.
Requisiti di sistema di Systat
- 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) Processor
- 1 GB of System Memory
- 100 MB of Available Hard Disk Space
- CD-ROM Drive
- 800×600 SVGA/256 Color Display or better
- Internet Explorer Version 6 or better
- Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8.x, 10; Internet Explorer 6 or higher;
- Office 2003 or higher (paste to Powerpoint Slide, Insert Graphs into Word and other macros).