PeakFit 4.12

Produttore: Grafiti

PeakFit 4.12


The Automatic Choice For Spectroscopy, Chromatography and Electrophoresis

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General Features

PeakFit Automatically Places Peaks in Three Ways.

PeakFit uses three procedures to automatically place hidden peaks; while each is a strong solution, one method may work better with some data sets than others.

The Residuals procedure initially places peaks by finding local maxima in a smoothed data stream. Hidden peaks are then optionally added where peaks in the residuals occur.

The Second Derivative procedure searches for local minima within a smoothed second derivative data stream. These local minima often reveal hidden peaks.

The Deconvolution procedure uses a Gaussian response function with a Fourier deconvolution / filtering algorithm. A successfully deconvolved spectrum will consist of “sharpened” peaks of equivalent area. The goal is to enhance the hidden peaks so that each represents a local maximum.

System Requirements

Below are the minimum requirements to run PeakFit:


  • 486 Processor or higher
  • 16 MB RAM required (32 MB or more recommended)
  • 10MB hard disk space


  • Windows 10, 8.x,  7, Windows Vista, 95, 98, NT and XP (32 bit)

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